Setting up a new project

Everytime you create a new C# project with Get It you need to run some commands to setup the project. This will be the same procedure everytime. So while you can copy and paste the following instructions, I find it better to type them by hand. After setting up a few projects you won’t need the help anymore.

  • Open PowerShell or any other terminal and run the following commands to create a new C# project called GetItStarted, reference the latest stable version of GetIt and open the project with VSCode:

      dotnet new console -o GetItStarted
      cd .\GetItStarted
      dotnet add package GetIt
      dotnet restore
      code .
  • Open Program.cs, add using GetIt; to the list of using declarations at the top of the file and replace Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); with Game.ShowSceneAndAddTurtle();
  • Press F5 to launch the program and you should see a window with a turtle at its center.
    • If VSCode asks you to select an environment, choose .NET Core.

Congratulations, you just created and ran a brand new C# program with Get It.

Program.cs should now look like this:

using System;
using GetIt;

namespace GetItStarted
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

For the first few projects everything will happen inside the two innermost curly braces { and }. There you’ll write all commands that should get executed when the program is started.

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